eks Energy used its know-how in energy storage and its turnkey products to integrate a huge scale ESS in a 55 MW solar farm
In order to integrate the PV plant, Sonnedix needed to comply with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA)’s strict minimum-technical requirements (MTRs). With the knowledge gained in a previous project, Salinas solar PV plant, eks Energy team together with a group of experts worked on the development of the first operational formula of its kind, being a complete success.
Oriana was the largest solar plant in service in the Caribbean region, and one of the largest on a global scale that includes an energy storage facility and HV substation.
eks Energy worked closely with PREPA -Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority-, Sonnedix and Greece-based company Metka-Egn, in charge of the commissioning and operation of the facility in Isabela municipality.
eks Energy Storage solution proved in Oriana project that the most restrictive requirements can be met., even in island conditions.